
The following are the rules of the performance:

  1. The performer, Edrian Ochoa, will not move from the performance space for its entirety.
  2. The only actions Ochoa will perform are those related to the performance, in particular, cutting out human-shaped pieces of paper and taking breaks from doing so; said breaks will exclude any form of external stimulus (eg. entertainment content).
  3. All conversation will be restricted to explaining the performance or speaking with participants.
        A. Participation will include the time spent signing the petition, donating, cutting paper, and asking a relevant question.
  4. The performer will not be allowed to eat. Consumables will be restricted to water, liquid-soluble electrolyte products, and vitamins, all to extend their body’s ability to perform.
  5. The performer will not shower during the performance. Hygienic practices will be restricted to brushing their teeth and washing what they can in the bathroom sinks (eg. hands and face).
  6. Exceptions to the above rules (1-5) include:
    A. Urgent circumstances that include but are not limited to: threat to the performers’ (Edrian Ochoa’s or Angeles Portilla’s) lives.
    B. An emergency involving the performer’s family or loved ones.
    C. Donation that license a previously defined action.
    D. Communication to trusted colleagues requesting more supplies or other project related concerns.
    E. Labor the performer must do to economically support themself.

Suspension Protocol:

The following are the suspension protocol guidelines:

  1. The performance will end if:
        A. All performers are physically incapable of continuing.
        B. The donation fund reaches a predefined benchmark authorizing the performance to end at any time.
        C. At least one of five individuals, given special authorization, decides to suspend the piece for the performer’s personal wellbeing.
        D. All of the following political and militaristic actions are taken:
            i. Permanent ceasefire is declared.
            ii. An arms embargo is imposed.
            iii. Israel is required to undergo a process of demilitarization.
            iv. All hostages and detainees are released, without preconditions.
            v. All withheld corpses are released to their families or their government.
            vi. Humanitarian relief efforts are given unlimited freedom to do their job to alleviate suffering and prevent death.
            vii. A serious plan to undo Israeli occupation for the total liberation of Palestine and its people is put forth.
            viii. All US military infrastructure on Palestinian land is dismantled or relinquihed to the local government.
            ix. The ArtCenter College of Design agrees to the demands of the petition that is part of this performance.
  2. In the event that the performer is no longer able to continue, Angeles Portilla is authorized to take his place if she so chooses. She will operate under her own rules and suspension protocol, unbound to but capable of adopting those outlined on this website.