To contact the performers, Edrian Ochoa and/or Angeles Protilla, please use the methods outlined below:
Before emailing, please read the following descriptions of suggested Subject Lines:
Press: Use if you are a member of the press with a general inquiry.
Statement: Use if you are a member of the press requesting a statement.
Interview: Use if you are a member of the press requesting to an interview.
Petition: Use if you have a general inquiry about the petition.
Signature: Use if you are an ArtCenter student/faculty/staff interested in adding your signature to the petition.
Alum Signature: Use if you are an ArtCenter alum interested in adding your signature to the alum petition.
Collaboration: Use if you are an institution, organization, or artist interested in communicating with the performer about ways to work together or contribute.
URGENT: Use if you have an urgent message for the performer.
Other: Use if the subject of your email pertains to something other than those mentioned above
*The subject line will be used to file emails, please use the appropriate label! -
Please only call during the following hours: 8am-10pm Pacific Time (Los Angeles, CA, USA time)
+1 323 487 0887